From paper to practice… Too often the research that we do as academics languishes in the library. At the same time, I find people often ask questions about work as soon as they find out what I do for a living. So I’m going to start trying to answer some of these questions. Some of the material comes from my own research or the research of my colleagues. Some is based on fairly old theories that have been tested over time. Some will have very clear recommendations for practice while others will be more explanatory. If your question isn’t answered by one of these, please let me know!

Being Absent When You’re Always Present
Working from home has a lot of benefits – no commuting, working in tracksuit pants, sitting on a bea…
A (not) Perfect Blog Post
We laugh about responses to the interview question – what’s your main weakness? But for me, the obvi…
Goal-Setting is Not Enough
Over the next few months, I’m going to be playing with the idea that goals and particularly goal-set…
Dominic Cummings, Justice & Trust in Boris Johnson
A few weeks ago, I explored whether the UK Government actions would lead to high reliability. Now, i…
Motivation: Push or Pull?
If you are a reliability engineer or work in maintenance, then you know how important – and ho…
What is Goal-Setting and How Does it Work?
You would have to be living under a rock if you hadn’t come across goal-setting at work. Everybody h…
What is a Goal Hierarchy?
We all know that we have goals. What we don’t usually think about is the range of goals we have and …
Who am I if I’m not at work?
A while ago I got a text message that said, “You have been identified as someone who may be at high …
What do we want in a Post-Covid Economy?
What will a post-covid economy look like? Will it recover from the deep recession that has been fore…
Personality & Pandemics
The lockdown in our house isn’t pretty. I’m sat in the guest room on a bean-bag with the drying rack…
UK Government Report Card: High Reliability & Coronavirus
Could the UK government have done better during the Covid-19 pandemic? Given the size and unpreceden…
Coronavirus, silver linings and guilt
Psst… want to know a secret? Quietly now while I whisper this to you in confidence… There are aspect…
Work & Covid-19
Lockdowns and working make for strange bedfellows. Let's acknowledge the uncertainty and see what we…