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About Me

I am an academic, a researcher, a teacher, a partner, a mum, a mentor, a control freak and a recovering perfectionist. I studied a BSc (Hons) in Psychology at University of Queensland and, some years later, did a PhD in Organisational Psychology at the University of Sheffield.

As an academic, I have worked at the University of Sheffield, Queensland University of Technology, University of Western Australia and University of Leeds. I teach organisational behaviour – how we act, respond, feel and deal with work and at work. I honestly believe it is the most important module (course / unit / insert term as appropriate) that you can take at university because we spend so much of our lives in the workplace.

My research has covered a wide range of different topics. But at the end of the day, my key interest is in how we can live the best lives possible in the messy, complex world in which we work.

I work at the Leeds University Business School and am the Director of the Workplace Behaviour Research Centre.