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Kerrie Unsworth

RESEARCH in organisational psychology

Working for a Better World

Workplace FAQs

Got a question about sustainable workplaces, juggling goals, motivation, leadership, well-being, creativity…? I’ve curated my research and identified practical recommendations for managers, employees, entrepreneurs and policy-makers.

Org Psych Blog

How can I work at home during covid-19 lockdown? How can I stay motivated? How can I be a better leader? I’ll be tackling these questions and more in my blog.

About me

I want to understand how our working lives can be beneficial to ourselves, our colleagues, our employers and society. I delve into the complexities in order to understand, teach and improve sustainability, productivity, leadership and well-being.

work with me

Let's do it together.

Understanding complex phenomena at work cannot be done alone. Knowledge comes from bringing different perspectives together. If you have some ideas, get in touch and we'll see how we can move forward.

What I can help with

Workplace FAQs


Sustainable Workplaces

Whiteboard of multiple goals and a big to-do list

Juggling Goals

Bowler hat on the ground



Get involved in the journey

Engage with me and help to further our understanding of life at work.